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I Won't Last A Week without You

Posted by millet ♥

Good bye PRELIMS.
(in my part)

I didn't expect that this week would be a HAGGARD, STRESSFUL week.

When Monday came, I didn't go home early. Supposed to be, my dismissal would be 6 o'clock but I went home at 8 o'clock because I have school works to do and my part as a part of our school publication. That's my schedule this school week. I've sacrificed my bible study every Wednesday morning for an activity in our school. I usually cry hard to God every night before I sleep. Thursday is our Prelims day until this day. This day, I went to school by 7 o'clock in the morning and the test starts at 12 o'clock. My co-workers in our school publication and I distributed our school newspaper in the whole university.


Even my school week is too busy, I really won't last a week without thanking Him and without talking to God.

Tomorrow is our Youth Gig and unfortunately, I will not go early in our Church cause we have a shooting tomorrow but I will go to our Church after our shooting.

I've just learned that:

"No matter how tired you are, if we acknowledge God's Presence in our lives by Praying or by Reading His Word, there would never be a day without Him."

Oh.. I miss something this day but I know God has a purpose. =)

"Just TRUST His will, Lay your burdens unto Him and EVERYTHING WILL BE ALRIGHT."


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