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What to do if we fail?

Posted by millet ♥

A journalist was interviewing the chairman of a reputed company. “What is the secret of your success?”, the journalist asked. “Taking the correct decision – it is the secret of my success”, said the man. “How could you practice yourself in taking the correct decisions?” “Experiences taught me.” “How could you manage to get those experiences?, the journalist raised another question. “Through the wrong decisions and I learned from its consequences,” replied the chairman.

Though some had failures, they became successful men because they did not see failure as an end. They were not ready to give up life in front of failures. They continued their journey of life depending on God.


Lord, strengthen our faith as if no failures could shatter. Teach us not to see failures as an end but as an opportunity for a new beginning. Make us convinced that the success of life is not always being victorious or not committing any mistake. Bless us with trust and hope in order to move forward in our life without giving away to despair. Amen.


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